Wednesday, May 13, 2009

for my brother...

So, it has been along while since I have written on this blog....and my reasons are three fold. One, this blog was a requirement for the class I was in and the class is officially over. Two, I still think it is weird that people want to read about my daily life here. Three, my brother told me he checks it every morning. Ahh, so Adam, this one is for you! The last few weeks have been nothing short of insane. As many of you know of one my friends from St. Louis as well as her two sons were brutally murdered. Being away when you are grieving is not easy. You just want to be with your friends who shared the light and energy and craziness of all that she was. Was, it is too weird to even write in the past tense. Ugh! I cried, dropped to the floor when others tried to console me...surreal is the word that kept coming up. I have given it to the Father because I can't hold onto it. It's far too much for me, and I have to trust Him. Otherwise, it's just too much. I had recently finished reading and listening to the Shack. Read it....bizarre, but helpful. I won't go into detail, but it helps to trust  Him when the unthinkable happens. When I am in America, I will write more about how the Father has helped, but you know how it is :) Anyway, 

1 comment:

  1. Good timing on reading the Shack. It was a good one to stretch and shift one's perception of things...

    And by the way - your brother isn't the only one interested in what you have to say :)
