Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be kind to the alien...

Right before I left I was having a conversation with my parents about this verse, "Do not oppress the foreigners living among you. You know what it is like to be a foreigner. Remember your own experience in the land of Egypt". We were discussing the use of the word 'alien' some of us liked it and some of us didn't. We thought 'foreigner' or 'refugee' seemed to be better, nicer. I would like to change my aformentioned nicety for the truth...the word is 'alien.' Last night I went to New is the Chinese version of Walmart. I went there like any other person needing the necessities of life...bread, coffee, paper, pens, etc. Yet, I have never felt so alone. So foreign. So alien. Yes, I am different from the people around me here in China. I look very different (still shorter than everyone oddly enough :) I am a different color, my eyes are different, but I am the same on the inside. The culture here is much different and I understand that, but as I walked through the New Mart and saw people stare, some pointing, some giggling, some angry, most projecting disdain for me(or so i felt), I was reminded of this verse above. This is by no means a slam at the Chinese people. The people I have worked with at the Fuxin Experimental School are AMAZING!  So hospitable. I think this little glimpse was a 'gift' from the Father. It made me realize how much more sensitive I want to be to the 'aliens'  among us in our community. Sometimes while I am here, I love the fact that I can't read anything, I have no idea what people are saying, and I am just in my own little world. BUT, it's really scary when you can't communicate with your taxi driver except for the little piece of paper that has your dormitory name written on it in Chinese. It is very frustrating when you are at the grocery store and you have no idea where to find tea, and the people can't understand your language. All this to say, please be kind to the international people you see and meet everyday in your town! They are people, they are lost, they need help....they might just need to see a smile on your face, not a scowl thinking that they are here to harm you! They need the love of the Father too! And if it helps, just imagine it's your son or daughter, or best friend in a foreign country that would die to see someone smile, and even try to help them out! I left that supermarket feeling so sad...but, so aware of my own actions at home. The book talks a lot about this 

 "He gives justice to orphans and widows. He shows love to the foreigners/aliens among you and gives them food and clothing."

"True justice must be given to foreigners living among you and to orphans..."


  1. Jessica this brings tears to my eyes. We just spoke at Pam's youth group. We had them close their eyes and imagine what it would be like to be somewhere where they were new. Feeling stupid, scared and lonely. Those were the words the students gave us with their eyes closed. I said how would it feel if someone came and talked to you and tried to help you. It brought a smile just thinking about it. It was because someone came to them. Not trying to reach out yourself. Because you are too afraid you will make a mistake and be laughed at. Someone else coming to help you makes all the difference. That is what we try to do every day at Oasis. But you are also doing that when you go to China. You will be coming to them to help them too. You will bring a smile to them as you teach them. Language is difficult when you choose not to learn. It is fun when you do choose to learn. You laugh at your mistakes and try harder so you can have a relationship instead of "student/teacher". Now we have our friends from Burma, Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia,Liberia and Bosnia who call us "brother and sister" and "Mom and Dad". One Burmese young man calls me Daddy. I can not tell you how that makes me feel. We all get "Alienated" sometime in our life so we can relate to the scripture you started with. Because we were new at a school, neighborhood, job, family when we got married. Be kind to the one that is new because you were an alien too.

  2. sorry
    That was me with the last comment. I forgot to sign in

  3. Sister, why aren't you using that crappy little electronic translator that i gave you? Also, that was a good post. You are wise beyond your years and I know it turned into a learning thing for you but I wish I could have been there to help. I'm tring to find some posters for you. love you.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hey Jessica, I guess you figured out that was me. I forgot to sign off as dad. Sorry!

  6. I love how mom and dad have to have a correction every time they post. You guys are the best and really are technologically advanced for people in your age group. You have a facebook account, you have blackberries, you blog. Congrats, you are pretty hip! You are also wise and an inspiration to both your children. International Group Hug!

  7. Adam, wow, that made my fact that makes my whole week. I love you, Adam. I'm quite proud of both of my children and Carly and Jack too. I think I'm signed in, let's see how techy I am.Say a prayer for Jessica, tomorrow is her first day.

  8. Blog about something else...Your brother wants an update!

  9. Adam, You need to get skype. It is great seeing and talking to Jessica everyday. It's's easy!

  10. Jess your Dad shared your blog last night and TOTALLY made me cry... love you - love your heart! Praying for you...

    By the way, I can't wait to be off my facebook fast because Allen can't shut up about how great your videos are and he's hard to please on that kinda thing - so I know they're good :)
