Tuesday, March 31, 2009


so, many of you know that youtube was banned here for a while, and due to that i was not able to post video on my blog...but, video is back and so are pics...so i will try to catch you up on the latest!

I have given in...

I am now wearing two pairs of pants! I have been sick for the past two weeks with a sinus infection and have not been able to get over it!  BOO! Whenever someone asks they always tell me, "You have a cold because you only wear one pair of pants!" Well, I am desperate, so bring on the pants!!!  In spite of my sickness, I have been blessed with a wonderful Chinese friend. Today, I went to school and was sent home by one of the teachers to feel better!  I came home and got into bed and slept for hours. I woke up to the sound of my friends greeting someone outside. I put on extra clothes to leave my room and saw my sweet friend, Angela. She came over with supplies to make me feel better. The first remedy was boiled Coke with slices of ginger, and the second a rice soup, and medicine...sooo, sweet! She does not speak the best English, but she totally took care of me. She took me to the doctor for a sinus cleansing...it involves deep massage that works the 'cold' and the infection out of your body, it also involves cupping..lame! Cupping is rough! Thanks for all the posts...I have changed my comment settings so that I can preview them before I post them.  Hope you understand.  Love you all!

Friday, March 20, 2009

is it bad that i feel a little over it...

So, it's Saturday morning and I'm over it. I am not angry, I am not sad, I'm just over it! Last night was maybe the most boring night of my life. Really, I got home from school at four o'clock, went for a bike ride, in which my chain broke and I had to walk it home (seriously, what is up with my bike?).  I think it is rough to be in a new town and not really know what there is to do. We live in a dorm where we have to be in by 11pm.  It's not that I have any desire to go party til the wee hours of the night, I think I just want that freedom. So, my homework to you all is to think of awesome, creative ideas for 7 girls to do in a foreign country :)  The hilite of my week was when on of my students came up to me and said, "Jessica, I just want you to know that you have had an influence on my life. I feel so comfortable to speak English in your class. Usually, I am stressed out and do not have fun in school, but in your class it is much more calm and I have a very fun time!" Ah, success! Thank God! It's those experiences that make a boring Friday night bearable!  Another fun little story is that all the trees have been cut down in this town...maybe it is for pruning for next season...but it's so ugly to look at! Literally, all the trees are tall with nubs!  Sad! So, I was just thinking, "Where is the beauty in Fu Xin?" A still, small voice said, "It's in their faces." This is only too true! Their faces, all of them, happy, sad, angry, their faces are BEAUTIFUL! They hold stories, heartache, and joys that I will never know, but they are beautiful. Last weekend I went to the park with my friends to 'workout' (there is excercise equipment everywhere) and we met twins! It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen! It reminded me of one of my good friends back home who just had twin boys...it was just a little reminder of home. One more thing, I see your faces all the time! All of you. It is the weirdest phenomenon, but all over the world there are people of all different ethnicities that have the same face as people you know back home. The other day, I realized that one of my students looks just like a friend from church! It's hilarious! On my last trip to China I went to Inner Mongolia and we were in the middle of no where, and there was the Asian David Duchovney!  (ps, no idea how to spell his name!) Anyway, I love you all and miss you, but maybe I will see you today in a beautiful Asian face!

Friday, March 13, 2009

no shame...anymore!

So, it used to drive me nuts when I was working at studio branca and women would come in and get 'the works' and then come up to pay and their credit cards would be declined, or they would not have any cash, etc. I mean, if you don't have money quit coming in, right?  Well, my pride was broken today as my friend, Diana and I arrived at an upscale Chinese salon today. Not only do I not know how to speak English, but how does one explain, "Please, color my roots the same color as the ends...cover the gray, just a trim...shorter bangs." Yada, yada, yada.  So, after a delightful game of charades, and the huge help of my friend Diana...we were able to communicate what needed to be done. Many hours passed, yes, four...and then it was time to pay...we were then 'delighted' to find out that our visa's did not work...we live in a very 'small' town (1 million people) so they are not up on the technology that would allow them to use our cards (i think is what they said). soooo, i had the pleasure of walking with one of the shampoo boys to the atm and had to get some cash...it was an awkward walk to say the least...i learned his name and age...that was all i could get out of him...AWKWARD!  all this to say...it's rough sometimes, and don't be so prideful it happens to everyone. i was also made aware (again) that no one cares about being cool....my students ask me every class period now to sing a song...word has gotten out that i did it in one class and now they all ask...ahhh! and they ask for me to sing the most lame songs! "My heart will go on!"  But, they are soooo cute, how could i refuse...and then I realized, they don't care if I am good, or bad...they just want to have something in common...they love Titanic, and now they think I do too!  It's hilarious...and now they sing for me....they are so brave and adorable...I just absolutely love them! I would sing 'Copacabana' if they asked me to. Which I did sing tonight at my first Karaoke in China. I have never laughed so hard in my life!  They take you to this private room...that is hot as a sauna... and it has a dance floor, strobe light, and disco ball..top notch!  The song list is ridiculous...Addicted to Love, Blackbird singing in the Dead of Night, Culture Club's 'Do you really want to hurt me'...and since it was all in Chinese we had no idea how to work ANYTHING! So, it just kept repeating the same songs over, and over, and over! I sang 'Blackbird' three times!!! The people were so nice to us! One girl came in and just sat with us and took pictures for 30 minutes...which, in karaoke time is forever!  It was a really fun night, and I am having a blast in Fuxin! There is nothing to do here, but when we find something...it is great!  Hope you all are doing well! Love you lots!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be kind to the alien...

Right before I left I was having a conversation with my parents about this verse, "Do not oppress the foreigners living among you. You know what it is like to be a foreigner. Remember your own experience in the land of Egypt". We were discussing the use of the word 'alien' some of us liked it and some of us didn't. We thought 'foreigner' or 'refugee' seemed to be better, nicer. I would like to change my aformentioned nicety for the truth...the word is 'alien.' Last night I went to New Mart...it is the Chinese version of Walmart. I went there like any other person needing the necessities of life...bread, coffee, paper, pens, etc. Yet, I have never felt so alone. So foreign. So alien. Yes, I am different from the people around me here in China. I look very different (still shorter than everyone oddly enough :) I am a different color, my eyes are different, but I am the same on the inside. The culture here is much different and I understand that, but as I walked through the New Mart and saw people stare, some pointing, some giggling, some angry, most projecting disdain for me(or so i felt), I was reminded of this verse above. This is by no means a slam at the Chinese people. The people I have worked with at the Fuxin Experimental School are AMAZING!  So hospitable. I think this little glimpse was a 'gift' from the Father. It made me realize how much more sensitive I want to be to the 'aliens'  among us in our community. Sometimes while I am here, I love the fact that I can't read anything, I have no idea what people are saying, and I am just in my own little world. BUT, it's really scary when you can't communicate with your taxi driver except for the little piece of paper that has your dormitory name written on it in Chinese. It is very frustrating when you are at the grocery store and you have no idea where to find tea, and the people can't understand your language. All this to say, please be kind to the international people you see and meet everyday in your town! They are people, they are lost, they need help....they might just need to see a smile on your face, not a scowl thinking that they are here to harm you! They need the love of the Father too! And if it helps, just imagine it's your son or daughter, or best friend in a foreign country that would die to see someone smile, and even try to help them out! I left that supermarket feeling so sad...but, so aware of my own actions at home. The book talks a lot about this 

 "He gives justice to orphans and widows. He shows love to the foreigners/aliens among you and gives them food and clothing."

"True justice must be given to foreigners living among you and to orphans..."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You can dance if you want to...

I have come to the firm conclusion that American’s are by far the coolest people ever.  You may be saying, “Jessica that is pretty arrogant to say.” Well, I am not claiming this is a good thing. We are so cool that we miss out on so many random opportunities to have fun! Yesterday, we toured the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. It is one of those gorgeous architectural works that one has to see. It is a temple that honors heaven and it’s place on earth…I think. While I do not believe in the Taoist religion, it is amazing to see hundreds, and maybe thousands of people young and quite old on a pilgrimage to honor their god. Americans are too tired to even make it to church. Oops… I had a point to this rant. Well, as we are walking back to the entrance/or exit (we got lost quite a bit) we passed through a park and saw these beautiful Chinese people enjoying life. Nothing fancy was happening, just an old boombox plugged in playing traditional Chinese music with the occasional pop tune thrown in for kicks. As I looked around there were elderly men and women (yes, elderly) playing hacky sack and dancing for the fun and exercise. So…the American’s joined in. I have never had more fun! I laughed so hard. This adorable woman who looked like the Asian version of Blanche from Golden Girls came and taught me a dance. Watch out Dancing with the Stars! Anyway, I just love that the wisdom of the ages dancing in that park know the secret...THEY ARE NOT TOO COOL!

Let's Recap...

Hurry up and Wait…


So we arrived in Beijing on Friday, February 27th, and we have not stopped until this 7-10 hour bus ride to Fuxin. That’s right, there is a 3 hour window of time there. Why you ask? Well, there is no telling just what could happen in a bus trip up north. Let’s recap the past few days shall we?

Day 1

After pleading with the man in customs that I am in actuality the woman in my passport photo from ten years ago, we all caravan to the bus. We then drive for 2 hours to our hotel. In spite of our numerous hints that we are exhausted and would like to rest for a bit, we are wisked off to ‘lunch.’ Lunch is comprised of a texture wonderland for the senses. Imagine jello that is probably a week or so old, so kind of dense. Then make that jello a nice cloudy gray, and throw some smoky, chili sauce, and you have our first course! Honestly, once you get over the texture it wasn’t so bad. Course two: apples, oranges, and Korean pears tossed in mayonnaise. Why not? Course Three: The same smoky, chili sauce with noodles. This would have been a delight if one were able to bite through the noodles. That’s right, as you take a chopstick full you put them in your mouth and begin to chew. As I realized that they were not actually going anywhere, I began to swallow and one long, connected noodle just slides down my throat. My gag reflex was in full affect, but I made it through with a smile anyone would believe. Course Four: Corn and Apples, with a drizzle of mayo. How did mayo even get here? This course was a huge hit after Course Three. Course Five: Molded sweet rice with bean paste, and candied fruit. A feast for the eyes! And with a large glass of Green Tea to wash it down!

So the food ends and we rush off to the Temple of Heaven to find it has closed.  So we walk to the hotel and then are told that it is time to eat dinner…yes, you are correct in thinking, ‘Didn’t they just eat lunch?’

We are served a HUGE meal of Peking Duck…sooo delicious, and a million other lovely treats, with a million toasts to our teaching experience. We have now been properly stuffed to rise in the morning to see Tianeman Square (which gov’t leaders still deny that the protests happened). During this visit I asked our sweet friend and guide from Fuxin if she like Chaiman Mao, and she emphatically said, ‘Yes, of course!’ I decided not to ask any further questions as I was surrounded by heavily armed men guarding Mao’s Tomb, and would rather not lose my life just yet J We then went to the Forbidden City and learned that all of the Emporer’s buildings symbolize, Harmony, Peace, Luck, and Longevity. Really, if you have to guess the importance of any piece  of Chinese history, guess any of those four and you are set! Jason, our guide, was very well informed and told us ALL of the Forbidden City’s history! Did I mention that it is like 4 degrees? So, then we hurry to the bus to grab lunch which we are told is about an hour away and very close to our next excursion…The Olympic Stadium, the Bird’s Nest! We then learn that (after 2 hours of driving) we are lost and all the roads have been re-routed since the Olympics.  I then proceed to eat my right arm off and lay back in exhaustion. Wake me when we are there. We finally arrive at the Bird’s Nest. It it amazing! The architecture is meticulous and awe inspiring. We all head in and see the enormity of this stadium. They are playing clips of the opening ceremony on the Jumbo Trons. It is hilarious! My friend Megan and I decide to sit and watch for a while, and as we do 7 different groups of people ask for pictures with us. Ah, it’s good to be a celebrity for a minute J

Dr. Tea

Skipped dinner

Why do showers not have a drain?


Day 2: The Great Wall and Ming’s Tombs

I am going to let the pictures tell this story! It was amazing!



Day 3: Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven and the Mall
